come on out tomorrow
5051 N. Broadway, Chicago IL
Between Foster and Argyle in Uptown
9-5 sunday!
incredible mod cube desk with matching storage cubes and eames dcm
wormley table by dunbar
restored italian barrel chair in dramatic white and black
vladimir kagan glass and walnut coffee table
koefed larson chair
restored russel wright lounge chair for conant ball
jens risom chair with org. wool blue fabric
lane round coffee table with great tile design
restored thonet swivel chair in white leather
great smalls: Illinois decanter, Abe freaking' Lincoln!, ashtrays, superb MCM desk lamp with calendar, brass pegagus, atomic planters, stark salt-n-pepper man, danish-style leaf tray
so much more coming!
centurychicago 1950s 1960s 1970s 60s acclaim adrian adrianpearsall american americanofmartinsville baker baughman bedroom bertoia brasilia broyhill broyhillbrasilia century chair charleseames chest chicago chromcraft coffey conant ball craftassociates credenza danish danishmodern dansk declaration denmark designwithinreach desk dining diningroom dresser drexel drexeldeclaration dunbar dwr eames eamesera edward edwardwormley era erikchistensen faarup fifties finn floatingtop folke franceson george georgemulhauser grete jalk hans hanswegner hi hiboy hvidt ibkofodlarsen illum wikkelso jalk jens jensquistgaard jensrisom juhl k2modern kai kaikristiansen kennyk kent kentcoffey kofoed larsen edvard kindt-larsen lamp lane lounge martinsville mccobb mcm mid midcentury midcenturymodern midmod milo milobaughman mobler modern moller nelson nielskofoed nielsmoller niemeyer norway oak ole olewanscher omann omannjunn oscar paul paulmccobb pearsall perspecta peter peterhvidt peterlovignielsen premier retro risom roomdivider rosewood russelwright saarinen saga scandinavian sculpta sculptural selig set seventies sixties sofa svendmadsen sweden table tall teak thayercoggin triple umanoff vintage vodder walnut wanscher wegner wormley
a sample of our stuff: